About PTA County Councils

A PTA council consists of local PTAs within a defined area. The main purpose of a PTA council is to promote the welfare of children and youth. 

A PTA council’s role is to inform, advise, guide, instruct, provide customer service, encourage the leaders of local PTAs, and be responsive to their needs for conferences, leadership training, and coordination of efforts of the member PTAs. If your PTA is part of a council, the council president is available to support, coordinate, facilitate, and serve the needs of your PTA. 

MCCPTAs Officers

President - Kelly Golden - president@mccptas.org

Vice President - Veena Pai - vicepresident@mccptas.org

Treasurer - Karen Olchvary - treasurer@mccptas.org

Secretary - Marcie Lynn - secretary@mccptas.org